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Marsden Clinic has joined thousands of healthcare providers across Australia in registering in MyMedicare,a new voluntary registration system that will help us formalise the relationship between us and our patients.

MyMedicare allows you to nominate a general practice and general practitioner as your regular healthcare provider. When you register in MyMedicare, extra funding from the Australian Government becomes available to support our practice to provide more of the targeted care you need.

Patients you register with our practice in MyMedicare may benefit from:

  • longer MBS- funded telephone consultations, from 1 November 2023

  • longer bulk billed telehealth consultations for children under 16 and Commonwealth concession card holders at the new triple bulk billing rate, from 1 November 2023

Formalising the patient-practice relationship, like with MyMedicare, has been shown to improve health and wellbeing, and that is why we are inviting all of our regular patients to register in MyMedicare.

If you have a valid Medicare card or Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Veteran card and have had two face-to-face consultations with us in the last 24 months, you are eligible for MyMedicare.

Registration is easy. To register as a MyMedicare patient, you can:

  • fill out a paper registration form at our practice

  • complete the registration process in your Medicare Online Account

  • ask our team to start the registration process- you can then complete the registration in your Medicare Online Account

Ask about MyMedicare next time you talk to us. For more information visit

Pfizer Bivalent vaccine available

Pfizer bivalent vaccine available for adults over 18 years of age.
ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) recommends that all adults and children are vaccinated against COVID19. 
Please call reception on 3299 6777 to check your eligibility and to book your appointment.

Government Flu vaccinations available

Government funded flu vaccines.

Flu vaccines are funded for:

All patients over 65

All aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people aged 5 to <65 years

All patients with chronic health medical conditions *see you GP for eligibility

All pregnant women 

All children aged 6 months to under 5 years. (*2 doses may be required)

Contact reception on 3299 6777 or book for your flu vaccine.


There has been a recent increase in the number of measles cases in Queensland.

Measles is an acute, highly infectious illness caused by the measles virus.

Symptoms include:

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Runny nose

  • Red inflamed eyes

  • Tiredness

  • Skin rash

Immunisation against measles is recommended as part of the National Immunisation Program.

If you suspect you may have measles, or have been in close contact with someone who has, please inform reception at time of booking, so we can follow the recommended protocols, and help prevent the further spread of measles.

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